What is the Purpose of a 20x20x1 Air Filter?

It is essential to understand the purpose of a 20x20x1 air filter in order to ensure the air quality in your home is safe and healthy. A 20x20x1 air filter is designed to capture 90% of the particles suspended in the air without inhibiting airflow. This includes particles such as dust, mold spores, pollen, lint, pet dander, waste and hair. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that MERV 6 is the level that begins to protect air quality, so MERV 8 is a good minimum level for an air filter if you want to start protecting air quality.

For those who suffer from allergies, a minimum of MERV 11 is generally recommended. A MERV 13 20 x 20 x 1 air filter is considered an excellent air filter for allergies and is typically found in high-end residential areas, hospital common areas, and high-end commercial buildings that are LEED certified. Factors that influence filter life include outdoor air quality, the presence of pets in the house, and the maintenance of the air conditioning system. Regular replacement of household air filters can prevent costly repairs or system replacements in the future.

Unless you use a fiberglass filter that needs to be changed every month, most household air filters can be changed every three to five months. The MERV 8 HVAC air filter is designed to protect heating and cooling equipment from most airborne particles. The air filter helps to clean dust, dirt and other contaminants from the outside air before it reaches your home. Cheap air filters without MERV classification can be so porous that particles that can damage your HVAC equipment can pass directly through the filter.

A MERV 11 20 x 20 x 1 pleated air filter uses electrostatic properties to filter both larger quantities and smaller particles from the air your family breathes in your home. Filters in this range are more common in hospitals, laboratories, and manufacturing facilities, where airborne particles are potentially hazardous. When replacing filters, it is important to use one with a high MERV rating as this will ensure superior performance and protect your family's air quality. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), good air filters don't have to be expensive.

By following these simple steps you can take to protect your family's air quality and detoxify your home.

Henrietta Puskarich
Henrietta Puskarich

Amateur twitter trailblazer. Hipster-friendly bacon evangelist. Award-winning bacon evangelist. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Incurable web aficionado.

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