How to Choose the Right 20x20x1 Air Filter for Allergies

When it comes to allergies, the best way to ensure clean air is to use a MERV 13 20 x 20 x 1 air filter. Many manufacturers label their air conditioning filters as “allergen filters”, but these are usually only filters with a MERV 11 rating or higher. Filters with a MERV rating of 14 to 20 are not recommended for domestic environments as they are not necessary in most cases. Thicker air filters tend to last longer as they have more square feet to capture and retain air particles.

For example, a 1-inch air filter may need to be changed every month, while a 4-inch air filter can last up to six months. Around the MERV 8, filters were normally designed with pleated material and could reliably capture pollen, mold spores and many types of household dust. The filter safely deactivates VOCs, ozone and biological particles suspended in the air and breaks them down into their components, cleaning the air. New air filters must have the MERV ratings required to block allergens, and then they must be placed before the old filters lose their effectiveness.

Inevitably, some of the hair, dust, and other household waste is absorbed by that circuit as air circulates through the house. With the MERV 13, the highest rating you'll find on most of the most popular residential HVAC filter sizes, you can trust that the filter stops bacteria, smoke, and other microscopic particles. We offer several different quality air filters to provide options that best suit your budget and needs. Even if you clean a washable air filter every month, it will eventually start to clog with dirt.

According to the CDC, good air filters can protect the air quality in your home and don't have to be expensive. Using a large air filter can reduce the longevity of your heating and cooling system and increase utility bills. Be sure to install the new filter facing in the right direction; look for arrows on the filter frame that indicate the direction of the air flow. Tips for treating allergens include going to the doctor for vaccines or allergy medications, using a HEPA filter vacuum, cleaning room air filters, mopping floors, bathing or cleaning pets to remove dander, and cleaning air ducts.

All these measures can help improve your home's indoor air quality by trapping dust, pollen and other small particles.

Henrietta Puskarich
Henrietta Puskarich

Amateur twitter trailblazer. Hipster-friendly bacon evangelist. Award-winning bacon evangelist. Infuriatingly humble bacon scholar. Incurable web aficionado.

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